Rob, the protagonist of this tale. He's your average college student. |
Tom is Rob's older cousin, who went to UVA first. Crazy Eskimo centered around his misadventures after he took in Mo as a foreign exchange student. |
If you looked up "Preppy" in the dictionary, you might expect to find a picture of Tullis there. You wouldn't, but he's lobbying to have that changed. |
Mo was the title character of Crazy Eskimo, but with his outside perspective, was the least crazy one around. |
Computer whiz and hyperactive, Calvin is your number one source for wacky hijinks |
Tom's current girlfriend, Summer pops up to help out his younger cousin now and then |
Beautiful, confident, and smart, is it any wonder that she became Rob's first college crush? |
Originally featured in one-shot comics mocking e-schoolers, Malik replaced Joey as second banana in the comic. |
Ashley is one who ponders the big questions in life. Like whether puppies or kitties are cuter. |
Originally the straight man of Crazy Eskimo, Joey was kidnapped by monkey pirates and is presumed gaming. |
Like Malik, Meredith made her way from a background character to the major role of Rob's current love interest. |
Tom's first crush when he got to UVA, she's the one who got him to host the Eskimo in the first place. |
Meredith's other half, the pair were originally planned to provide an amused audience to Rob's various predicaments. |
Rob's second love interest with jsut as much success. Kelly was brought in to be my link back to first year humor. |
An actor who always got bit parts, Kunle found his lead role when he joined the student newsstation. |
A goth with a penchant for Care Bears, who wouldn't want Mike as a roommate? |
Whatever Heidi wants... Heidi gets... usually... |
A fan favorite, Sleep is the true seductress with torrid on-again, off-again affairs with the whole cast! |
Big, dumb, and jocky, I wanted to do a storyline that showed more of the depth of Bill's personality. Unfortunately, it doesn't exist. |
They're monkeys. They're pirates. What more do you want? |
A highly talented musician, Joe majors in making everyone else look bad. |
Me. I'm the turtle. The turtle is me. |
Calvin's roommate, Gikun is unfortunately allergice to shirts. |
Presider over various small class discussions, this TA has an infinite capacity for pain. |
He's too busy being an activist to be informed. |
Stuckup, superior, and snobby. Today's letter of the day must be "S". Except that her name is Jane. |
He's passionate about educating you in his point of view. |
Rob's mentor in the ways of art, she will soon move to teaching him to be sassy and imperturbable. |
The graphics editor at the student newspaper, Melissa's encouragement got Rob where he is today. |
How could anyone achieve true independence in college without that lifeline back home? |
How could anyone achieve true independence in college without that lifeline back home? |
Proof you don't need drugs to hallucinate in college. |
One of Rob's more successful endeavors in love until she got completely bombed. |
Behold the monkey shirt! |